kebo 11
Samstag, 8. März 2003

oder lieber ein paar datierungen?

»The RADON radiocarbon database comprises more than 2.000 Neolithic and Early Bronze Age data sets from Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark and adjacent regions. The dates have been compiled from published information by the RADON study group. The database is available as a free download (zipped MS Access 2000 file, 260 KB). The dates have been arranged in a way that makes it convenient to shift them to the widespread OxCal program ( for calibration purposes just by cut-and-paste. Note: Data and information are provided for informational purposes. No liability is assumed by the RADON work group for completeness and accuracy. «

RADON - Radiokarbondaten online Datenbank mitteleuropäischer 14C-Daten für das Neolithikum und die frühe Bronzezeit

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